7 Holiday Foods To Avoid If You Have High Blood Sugar, Says Dietitians

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If you need to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels this holiday season, seasonal treats may cause you stress. Even though there is no one food that can either make or break your blood sugar, it is important to know how to deal with these situations to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and feel your best. We talked to diabetes experts and dietitians to find out which foods you might want to avoid this year.

It is essential to keep in mind that no single meal or food can significantly impact your total blood sugar control. It ultimately depends on you to conclude what food varieties feel worth the effort or not at your vacation party, but rather we intend to outfit you with the information to pursue that choice yourself. At your next holiday party, let’s find out exactly which foods dietitians recommend limiting.

01: Cranberry sauce
This traditional sauce is delicious, but it has a lot of sugar added to it. This side dish quickly meets the dietary guidelines for added sugar with 22 grams per serving. For your health, the guidelines suggest consuming no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day. This indicates that one serving of cranberry sauce contains nearly 90% of the recommended daily allowance of added sugars.

Consider limiting your serving to just a dollop to avoid spikes in blood sugar, and pair it with holiday protein options like turkey or ham for optimal blood sugar responses after the meal. Consider making your own cranberry sauce to control the amount of added sugar if you want a healthier alternative.

02: Crackers:
If you’re attending a holiday event and need a filling snack, crackers are not it. Saltines ordinarily will spike your glucose, however you may likewise feel hungry again soon. Crackers typically contain carbohydrates that break down quickly and can cause a spike in blood sugar after consumption.

One dietitian has a solution for you if you want to feel full and energized without the blood sugar roller coaster.

03: Candy
Candy might be tempting to eat, but it won’t help your blood sugar. However, this sweet treat is mostly made of sugar that has been added, and it will quickly raise blood sugar, especially if eaten without food. In addition, you won’t get much nutrition other than simple carbohydrates, which means you might end up with high blood sugar and still feel hungry, which is never a good feeling.

04-Bourbon balls :
Despite being a family tradition, these little morsels can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. These are as close to a sugar bomb as you can get, made with butter, powdered sugar, and bourbon. Your blood sugar will undoubtedly rise as a result of the added sugar, but the butter in this holiday treat takes a long time to digest, keeping it elevated for longer. Bourbon balls, for example, have a tendency to raise blood sugar for a longer period of time after consumption.

If you like these treats and think they’re worth the money, eat them after you’ve eaten to hopefully slow down the sugar’s absorption all at once.

05-Sweet potato casserole:
Yams are as of now normally sweet — however at that point we put them into a meal and specialist them up with earthy colored sugar, molasses, and marshmallows on top. You might want to decide if this dish is worth it for you because it quickly adds up to the total amount of carbohydrates in your meal.

06: Pastries for breakfast:
We are aware that choosing a breakfast that is high in carbohydrates and low in protein has a negative impact on blood sugar control throughout the day. A recent study demonstrated that eating a breakfast that is high in protein can help control hunger and cravings later in the day. This is the perfect explanation for why you shouldn’t skip breakfast! To balance blood sugar, avoid foods with high blood sugar, like pastries, and opt instead for whole grains.

07: Pie:
We are aware that both pies and the traditional dessert served in your family contain a lot of sugar and calories. Even though we don’t always recommend skipping dessert, a dietitian gives you some ways to have your cake and eat it too.


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