What is HIIT?
Whether you’re on your Peloton bicycle, doing a YouTube exercise, or going to a class at the rec center, odds are great that you’ve known about, and perhaps attempted, HIIT.
A HIIT exercise comprises short episodes of serious work enduring somewhere in the range of 10 to 60 seconds, followed promptly by a time of dynamic recuperation of a similar length or longer.
This pattern of difficult work and recuperation is rehashed somewhere in the range of 3 to multiple times, contingent upon the exercise.
HIIT has positive physiological effects like a faster metabolism after exercise, better body composition, and better sensitivity to insulin and glucose in the fasting blood.
What is cortisol?
One of the many hormones our bodies make to deal with stress is cortisol.
The brain senses stress during HIIT, and a series of hormones, including cortisol, are released. A fight-or-flight response is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system being activated by cortisol release.
By and large, this thoughtful sensory system reaction to risk was the way into our initial endurance, furnishing our bodies with quick energy and the ability to battle or escape when important.
How HIIT affects cortisol levels
This cortisol response that it generates is part of what makes HIIT training so effective at turning the body into a lean, quick, and powerful machine.
Your brain receives the message that your survival depends on this interval as your legs begin pedaling as quickly as possible. At this point, cortisol and other hormones are released, initiating the sympathetic nervous system response.
The importance of recovery
The parasympathetic nervous system, in contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, is in charge of putting the body into a state of rest, digestion, and recovery (5Trusted Source).
Recuperation among stretches and recuperation days between exercises are critical to seeing positive actual outcomes from your HIIT exercises (9).
The quality of your recovery is also important, and it can be improved through a variety of methods, such as:
-great nourishment and hydration
-contemplation and slow breathing activities
-froth rolling or back rub
-swearing off extraordinary activity