Running vs. Jumping Rope: Which Should I Choose?

Cardio helps you burn calories, control your weight, and prevent heart disease, making it an essential part of any workout. There are many different kinds of cardio, and anything that gets your heart pumping will help you stay healthy. Simply a matter of personal preference. Some people enjoy a fast-paced, equipment-based workout like jumping rope, […]


5 Mental Health Benefits of Kickboxing

There is a good reason why kickboxing is becoming more and more popular: it is an excellent form of all-around exercise that shows strength and cardiovascular benefits. With the ability to punch and kick bags, pads, and other equipment, it’s no surprise that kickboxing is also a good way to get rid of stress. Benefits […]


What Is Pilates?

Many of us practice many sports, and perhaps most of them are one sport, their names vary between cardio and hit and the basic types such as running, jogging, and others, but few of you know about another sport that may have become independent on its own as a special activity, it is Pilates, and […]